Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Sweetest Day 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010 Posted by Shattered Paradigm

Are you ready for Sweetest Day 2010?  There is a good chance that you have probably never even heard of this incredibly obscure holiday.  So when is Sweetest Day 2010?  Well, it turns out that it falls on October 16th this year.  So what exactly are we supposed to be celebrating?  The "official website" for this holiday describes it the following way....

"Sweetest Day is celebrated each year on the third Saturday of October. Although often thought of by many as a second Valentine’s Day, Sweetest Day is actually a day meant to celebrate all the people who make your life special. It’s an occasion to make someone happy, a chance to celebrate and give gifts to relatives, friends, and associates.

Sweetest Day was founded around 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio by Herbert Birch Kingston who was a local candy company employee. Kingston sought to bring cheer and some happiness to the lives of those who were often forgotten. With the help of his friends, he began distributing candy and small gifts to children living in orphanages, those stricken with illness or disabilities, shut-ins, and others who were forgotten."

So basically we are supposed to be nice to everyone.

But shouldn't we be doing that every day?

The truth is that every day is a good day to celebrate the people that make our lives special.  Every day is a good day to focus on marriage and family.  Every day is a good day to try to love others more.

So please feel free to celebrate Sweetest Day 2010, but don't forget to be sweet and loving on all of the other days of the year too.

If you are looking for a gift to give a loved one on Sweetest Day 2010, actually has a really wide selection of gifts available for this holiday.

In addition, we would very much encourage you to check out our other gift websites....

Unique Gift Ideas

Movie Memorabilia

Purses And Handbags

Cat Gifts


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