Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Benefits Of Marriage In A Cancer Crisis

Sunday, November 27, 2011 Posted by Shattered Paradigm

There are many benefits to being married, such as having a person to rely on, care for, converse with, trust, relax with, and support. All these meanings wrapped up in one relationship; create a support system that nobody else can experience. Because of this, married individuals are more likely to beat colon cancer than those who are not married.

Colon cancer is a serious disease. Colon cancer has the ability to present in both men and women. It is presentable in people who are married and individuals who are single. It has affected millions of people each year. In 2008, an estimated 1.24 million new cases of colon cancer were clinically diagnosed. It is the fourth most common type of cancer in the United States that affects both men and women.

Studies show that married individuals who have colon cancer have an eighty-six percent chance of defeating it. That is a fourteen percent lower risk of dying. According to a study from BYU and Penn State University June 21, married couples show that they have a higher chance at surviving colon cancer than a single individual. This was based on a study of more than one hundred-twenty-five, colon patients.

Men and women are more likely to be encouraged to go to a doctor for regular checkups and colon exams if they are married than if they were not married. This is because they have a spouse that is there to remind them that it is very important for them to be getting this treatment. Married individuals are more likely to follow through with treatment because of the loved ones in their life. Because of this and a wonderful support system from their family, they are more likely to follow through with the test and treatment procedures. They are also more likely to pick up prescribed medications for the treatment from their local pharmacy, while single individuals would just go home and think they can get the medication at any time.

According to studies, married cancer patients usually take higher risks when it comes to their care for cancer. These risks include major surgery as well as the necessary treatment required for colon cancer. They tend to make these decisions because they have so much to live for. They have a partner and most times, they choose the higher risk options because they do not want to leave them behind.

Written by Lori Janeson. Check out .


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